I am frustrated with the board changes!
Does anyone know how I can get to the Q&A Library that used to be part of the main board? It was sometimes interesting to read and now I can't find it. Also I tried to log into the main board and it says that I don't exist! I wonder what happened to me. I feel like I exist, but maybe I'm imagining myself. Help!
Dear Kim,
All new sites create a little upset but this one does take a few to get use to.
I spent the better part of last night trying to find things. Here's some help for you and anyone else:
First, notice the grey arrow pointing upwards in the middle of your taskbar area in oh.com. it is under the word "People". Click that, and it opens up a browser window that allows you to see your messages, Q & A section and your account. It is located right under the search box when you open the grey arrow.
Also, try to access your account because with the new board if you are not "signed in" which is noticable at the top right upper corner, you will "not" be existant. Therefore you need to LOG IN and stay logged in as you navigate around the site.
I hope this helps.....
TT in 12 days (((OH MY GOODNESS!!))
I too am a bit frustrated with the change. I just got everything set the way I liked it and bam....it is gone. I am waiting on getting my profile changed over, and pray I dont' loose any info in the switch. I am sure once we are all switched and get used to it, it will be a nice change. For now though, it is new to all of us. You exist...you just have to find it. haha
I think this is the link.
You might want to bookmark it.
Positive Vibes