B12 Self Administered Shots??
OK - I surrender!!! It's become obvious to me that my b12 sublinguals aren't working for me. My lab came back 299.
My insurance will not pay for shots in the doctors office, so I need to know where I can get the supplies to self administer the b12! I so don't want to do this, I hate the very THOUGHT of giving myself a shot.
But ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
Any ideas where to get the supplies at?
My mom had to do B-12 at home for a while until Medicare wouldn't pay for that and makes her go to the doctor to have them administer the injection. How silly, the injections at home are so much less expensive than at the office.
Anyways, when she had them at home the doctor just wrote a script for the B-12 and for the needles. I have an article here from the Lansing State Journal that says B-12 injections are about a buck and quarter an injection.
Maybe your hubby or even one of your older kids could learn to do the injection for you. My daughter in-law used to do my mom's for her.
Good luck.
Hi Laurie,
I have been doing my own B12 shots for a couple years now and its not that bad. Maybe because I have done insulin for some time so needles dont bother me so much, I dunno. My doc writes the script for the b12 and the needles and I get them filled at the drug store. I do it once a month and I can always tell when its time because I drag energy wise and always feel like I need a nap. I can give them to myself but usually have my SO shoot me in the hip. Its not bad. But any drug store should be able to fill the script.
Laurie What kind of multi vitamins are you taking? Are they chelated? I used to do the shots but it got to where it wasn't doing anything for me. Then i took kevins advice and got the chelated vitamins . I bought the vitaminshoppe mega 75's that have 5000% of the daily value for b12. They work so much better than the shots, i get tons of energy from them and it's only $13 a bottle for a two months supply. check em out.
My hemologist just ordered the serum and the needles for me at my regular pharmacy. the serum only cost 2.00 something and the needles are free. Next week, I'm going to their office and they are going to teach my husband and me how to do it. I'm not sure I can give it to myself, but I can let my husband do it. He said he would just attach feathers to the needles and throw it across the room like a dart. Funny funny man. I'll let you know how it goes.