tummy tuck question
I'm a little over 2 weeks out and my swelling and pain seem to have increased. fluids are still draining steadily, about 190cc's per day even though my doc thought since i had a very thin abdominal wall that it would be slowed up enough to take out the tubes this week. Mostly the fluid is almost clear although yesterday it was very red again. I seem REALLY swollen. Much more so than a few days ago but the area is not hot to the touch and i have no fever. should i be concerned? is this normal? i also felt very weak today but i had been avoiding my pain killers. tonight i broke down and took them again and i feel a lot better but i'm still very swollen and tight.
i have been pushing myself a little, today i did laundry, dishes, cooked chili, took out the trash, went to the mall, Starbucks and grocery store. too much???
i'm a worrier and it's got me to where i can't sleep. I see the surgeon tomorrow afternoon but meanwhile i really need a good nights sleep as i have a job fair to attend tomorrow so if anyone is up and can tell me this is normal and they've been through it themselves, i'd apreciate the info.
You need to take it a little more easy. I got tired just reading everything you did yesterday. That was an aweful lot to do for someone who just had a tummy tuck. I still had a lot of swelling at two weeks and if I over did it it would get worse. I also had a lot of draining and kept those dreadful tubes longer than I wanted. It would sometimes turn a little red, too. Just try to rest as much as possible and give your body a break by taking your pain medication. Take care, Fran
Hey Jay,
The swelling is normal. I was swollen for months, not weeks. You definitely did too much yesterday. And last but most important. TAKe YOUR MEDS!!! You may be able to cut back a little now, but they give them for a reason. If you are stressing because of the pain, your healing will take longer. If you wait till you are in so much pain that you need to take them it is too late and the pain is too bad you will have a hard time getting handle on the pain. Rest take care of yourself. You will be up & going in no time.
YOU ARE DOING WAY TOO MUCH!!!!! Sit down, lie down stop being on your feet so much. The Doc can totally tell how active you are being by how much you are draining. You are not supposed to be lifting, reaching, bending like that. They will not pull the drains until you stop draining like that. You should only be putzing around the house - that's it. That's why you are in more pain. If you need the meds, I would take them - why suffer. Slow down.
Take care,
I felt as you did yesterday. I'm almost two weeks out from a tummy tuck and hernia repair plus a breast lift and a few other minor proceedures. I even called the surgeons office and told them I was draining a lot more than normal and that the order from the drain kind of smelled and it hasn't before. I told them I felt I was quite swollen and very sore. The receptionist told me all that I described was normal. At the end of the day yesterday I sat down and thought about all I've been doing in the past few days and decided I should be tired and sore. My drainage isn't nearly what you're draining though, that would bum me out really bad. I want these danged things out in the worst way.
Last night I sat and put heat packs on my boo-boos and it felt so much better this morning and so far today. I've basically not done a damned thing today and that's how I'm going to finish my day too.
Hopefully when you see your surgeon he can put your mind at ease. Oh yeah and keep up on the pain, I found that's how I handle it best.
Hi Jay,
Yeah, you did too much. I am four days ahead of you on the TT recovery, and it has not been easy or pleasant. I did more than usual on Sunday, and paid for it with the worst pain ever during the night. I thought I would be heading to the ER, as the unrelenting pain encircled my body at my belly button area. I have one drain left in, and I am used to having the pain at the groin level. I am still taking the pain meds, and only slowly decreasing them. I had hoped to have more energy, and have a little mini-vacation during my time off of work, but not so yet.
Maybe I'll see you tomorrow at the doc's office, as I have an appt, too. I am hoping drain number two comes out, but have my doubts.
Take it easy. I learned after Sunday evening, don't overdo, don't eat much at a time, and don't let the binder get so tight.
Best to you,
Debra M.
thanks everyone.
the surgeon said that i am very swollen but it's good that i'm draining so much because it's better the fluid is out than in but that the drain itself can be causing irritation leading to more fluid. next week it's coming out regardless of how much fluid i'm producing.
oh yeah and he was going to give me a B-12 shot to help with the fatigue but i forgot and wandered out in a daze before getting it, i'll have to call them back tomorrow! I wasn't even on any medication at the time, i'm such a ditz.
i have to feel better soon, i want to go out and party on friday night, it's Mel's and my first anniversary (one year from the day we met in person). and i want to go walking with the gang on saturday morning.
which brings me to another question... what's a really nice, romantic place to go for a little dinner and a drink or two? one that won't completely bankrupt us? suggestions and recommendations wanted please.