What's the STUPIDIST thing you've seen??
i did a stupid thing.....i have an ex foster son that i still have alot of contact with (he is 5)--and he needed to take something into class to talk about it........so we tried to think of something that would be fun for the other kids to see etc. So we came up with his marshmallow launcher........the educational toy that teaches them about arc-ing and air pressure --it is like pvc pipe and you blow a mini marshmallow through it--and it really shoots it far etc.......well never in my wildest dreams did it ever occur to me that it was a weapon..........so when we got to school--the teacher chewed me out in front of my little guy and all of the other students about not bringing weapons to school...........i felt so stupid...and i was so embarrassed for him that his "mama Rae" was that dumb to have put him in such a predicament.........it just never occurred to me that it would be looked at as a weapon because we have had so much fun planning where the marshmallow would go--how far etc........some times the best intentions look totally different when you are at one end..............sigh............(and to think i will not let him have any kind of gun or violent "weapon" in the house..and here i send him to school with a weapon!)......just shaking my head..............
You all might have an opinion that differs from mine about butting in when you see a child being smacked around or hit with something out in public, but.............do you ever think of what that child must endure behind the closed doors of his home. You can quietly go to security and report the abuse and let it be handled that way. I know that parenting can be frustrating at times and I have never been above swatting my kids on the butt or getting after them in a store but what some of you have described here is down and out child abuse.
One time at our elementary school I witnessed a parent of a particularly (sp) difficult child come to school and pick that child up because of a call recieved from the school about his behaviour. She got him outside the school door and removed a belt from her purse and started beating him with it. I ran straight to the office so upset. They called the police and I had to give a deposition to social services about what I had witnessed. I'm not sure what ever came about the incident but I felt that I did what I needed to do.
Please next time you witness something of this nature just think of that poor child at home behind closed doors.
Hugggggggggggg your child,
I believe that people should step in and do something when they see abuse or any other kind of child endangerment happening. Now in the days of cell phone cameras...it is changing and for the better. People can record the abuse and turn it in to the police as evidence. No more he said/she said. There is the proof in real time and in color too.
You're right... that was pretty stupid, Stacey. Some people ..even the ones closest to us...are toxic. I had to read a book a while back regarding "toxic people".. and how to handle them .. even when they are your closest family. I don't remember the name, but I'm sure if you googled "toxic relationships" you could find some information. One thing you NEVER do is let them control your life and/or your decisions. You've been given a gift, and satan would love nothing more than to steal that from you.... you made it through bypass surgery and you will make it through the plastics. Her job with you is finished and you should not give her control over any aspect of your life. If she starts again...just breathe deeply and go to a "happy place"..like riding your horse. Do NOT respond to her antics..that is what gives her power. Think about it.. she wants a reaction..if you don't give it to her.. then she can't respond. Anyway.. that' s my 2 cents worth Stacey. Good luck with your plastics..you're gonna do great!!!!!