What's the STUPIDIST thing you've seen??
OK, now I've seen a lot of stupid things, but this one absolutely hands down takes the cake!!!!!
I'm driving down the road and I see this guy on a riding lawn mower, he's mowing out by his mailbox and it looked like he'd just finished the ditch... but there's something on the hood of the mower.... we get closer..... HOLY FREAKIN' COW - it's a BABY IN AN INFANT CAR SEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No joke!!!! I wanted to pull over and beat the livin' crap out of that guy!!!!! How stupid can you be!!!
Now I'll admit that my dh has mowed the law with one of our kids in his lap before. But then we heard of a little kid who lost his legs when the mower tipped over! It was a tragic accident and we've never let them "ride" the mower since... but come on... like ya couldn't have put the baby in it's swing and set it on the porch to keep an eye on it?? Or mowed when it was napping or something????
What is wrong with people's minds??????
So, what's the stupidist thing you've seen someone do???????
OMG Laurie, how did you stop yourself from pulling over and just smacking this guy?!?
So to expound on your question......how do you handle it when you see someone do this, or those people that are smacking their kids really hard at the grocery store.....do you say something? Or mind your own business?
I have (only once) told a woman she had better stop with her kids. It was at a Kids R Us, and she was smacking them with hangers and swearing at the kids. She kept saying she was going to kill them and leave them at the store to be kidnapped. I very quietly told her if I heard her threaten the kids one more time, I was calling the police.
Now, I have a 12 year old son that is destined to be a Jerry Springer guest. He is so so mouthy and defiant. And last night at Meijer's, I admit, I told him I was going to leave him there. So if someone heard me, they probably thought I was just like that other mom!!
I do believe in spanking my kids (PROPERLY) but I would never do it out in public!!!! It really irks me when parents swear at their kids.... at the very least DUH, you're teaching them to swear and you better believe that one day they will be standing in your face swearing at YOU!!!!
I too have recently told my son *****fused to leave the store, "Well, you can stay if you want but I'm going to lunch" and I walked away. But he's 9 years old and dawgone knows better then to push my buttons. And of course, he followed out of the store.
Oh now, my dh has a million of these stories because he's a truck driver!!!!!!! It's very common to see ppl driving stupid. He tells me he sees a lot of women who drive with their leg up on the dash board!! I'm like, how the heck do ya do that????? I guess they hit the cruise contol and then get "comfortable"
It's mind boggling to me.
Things like this can be very upsetting..and baffeling! My husband and I were in the Mall ...center court..and a woman was with a huge group of people...looked like a very large family out for the day. There was a boy with them..about 10 years old and I am not sure what he said or did, but that woman took off her belt and started beating this boy within and inch of his life... I almost threw up. He was cowering and moving trying to get away from the belt..she was yelling nasty things at him too, but I can' t remember what.. I just remember telling my husband I was going to get sick and then I started to cry. My husband was walking over to her to yank that damn belt outta her hands when another woman stepped up and told her that she was upsetting her kids (her two children were both crying) and that if she didn't stop she would call security. The woman stopped......
On another note..my ex-husband and I were at lunch one day when my son was an infant, and one of his customers stopped us to say hello as we were getting in the car... well, we got distracted and forgot the baby carrier (not a car seat, they didn't have removable car seats 18 years ago.. we had a seperate protable "punkin" seat to take into places leaving the car seat in the car)..anyway.. we pulled out onto the main road in Davison and we could hear the man screaming and when we looked he was running after us ..waving his arms and screaming "The Baby!!!!!! The Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as the punkin seat flew into the road (not traffic)... we stopped ..picked it up and showed the man that the baby was not in the seat...he was safetly secured in his car seat, he just didn't notice me doing this while he was talking to my husband... We still laugh about it... although I bet there are people out there who have actually done this or something simular with the baby still in the seat... if so, I don't want to know about it!!!!