I am feeling very frustrated at the moment. I called my doctor's office once again today to find out if my letter was finished (He's working on it). This is all that is holding up my scheduling a date. Today I find out he hasn't even started it yet!!! Once again I told them I need it ASAP so I can move ahead and schedule. My family is also giving me grief about when I schedule my surgery. I have a couple things at work to finish up and want to schedule it right after Thanksgiving. They want me to wait until after the holidays because of all the "holiday stress." I had initally considered that but now don't want to wait that long. Any suggestions?????????
I don't know what to tell you about your letter. But as far as your date. I'd say get it when you can. If they want you to postpone it just for their convience I'd say no way. And think if you had surgery after Thanksgiving - you'll be feeling so much better by Christmas!!!! I think you've got a good plan going there as far as your date goes.
I totally understand what you're going through with the doctor. It took me 4 requests before he'd (technically his office assistant) would send my medical records to my surgeon's office. What got the most action was actually showing up on their doorstep. Go to the office and inquire rather than calling --- it's really easy to blow someone off over the phone, not so easy when you're face to face with them.
You might also offer to help. Maybe come up with a draft of a letter and have the doctor look at it, maybe even make the changes for him and presenting another draft. Sometimes they just need a sample of what to write. Maybe someone has a sample of their doctor letter they could share with you, so he'll have a starting point. Also let him know that he is the only thing standing in your way right now - that all other steps are complete and the paperwork is ready for submission to insurance EXCEPT his letter. Don't be afraid to put the pressure on him. Remember he works for you and you're the one who pays his salary.
As for family pressure. You just need to tell them that THEY are causing you stress - nevermind the holiday stress. Maybe sit down with one or two members of your family and explain that this is your decision and things will happen on YOUR timeline and that you are relying on them for support no matter what the surgery date is.
Keep your chin up. Sounds like things are moving along.