Any web site designers??
My husband has a photography business and it is really starting to taking off, thank the Lord! It's time we get with the 21st century and hire a professional website designer that can creat an elequent, classy website for him to give all info, prices, packages, etc. He'd also like to be able to offer viewing of photos that customers and family may order directly from right on the site. I understand this is what a lot of photographers are offering now. Is there anyone out there from OH'land that does this for a living or knows of a good, reputable person? Also, if there are websites we can view that they have done? Thanks guys! Hugs, Theresa
i do web sight design .heres a few pages i have done. this websight i designed the logo and all flash work but the client did the rest its a horriable sight but the flash work is good.
i have a degree in web design/graphic design and computer information systems and have my own freelance company.. i live in redford..thanks peggy