Thank you Just Jane!!
Home safe indeed, just a few patches of medium fog to keep the ride interesting.
Just finished my leftovers, found the hidden gristle in the steak but it was still quite tasty.
I had a blast! And I only partly mean that in the K.P. sense of the word. You only picked on me a little so I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be on my best behavior or what. I munched an Atkins cookie dough on the way home and decided I like that flavor. Still have to try Insopure, or whatever that stuff is.
Lizzie-the-cat is a total sweetie, and it was fun to make her cross her eyes.
Give a call when you do the Barix visit, maybe I can come and say hi to Cary and your mom. Who I'm sure is very nice.
Anyway, thank you! I had much fun and I can't remember what I said I would blackmail you about. Dang.