Survey Says...
Hey Guys:
Today I accidentally got on the main board (vs. the Michigan board) and started reading some posts and ran across this one. I thought it was interesting and would like to see what this group had to say. Enjoy!
1> Overall, are you happy you had the surgery?
2> What has been the best outcome of this surgery?
3> What has been the worst outcome of this surgery?
4> Has the surgery improved your body image?
5> Has the surgery improved your health?
6> Do you think you are ready for the next year, when the surgery is less important than your willpower?
7> What is your biggest fear in the next year?
8> What is your biggest hope for the next year?
9> Are you considering plastic surgery for anything?
10> What is the most surprising thing, good or bad, that you've gotten out of this surgery?