Hello my dear friends. So sorry that I haven't been on much. With my classes and the kids school, football, dance.. etc..... I'm a little stretched. My ex-to-be is causing so much stress to me and the kids these days. I can barely breathe. I'm taking it one day at a time and doing the best that I can for me and the kids. MONEY is all that he thinks about and being a father to his children is not a priority. It's so sad that after all of these years loving and living with this man that I didn't see him for who he really is. I'm asking for your prayers not just for me, but for my children, who are suffering greatly. Please know that I love and pray for you all daily and I'm so greatful that I have all of you in my life. Love and miss you all!!
My prayers are with you and your kids.
Too bad he can't see what he is doing to his children. They need him also so bad. They should be his top priority. Hope he will wake up before it's too late.
Too often divorce brings out everything bad in people. Sorry it is this way; but you probably will have to be both Mom and Dad to the kids for awhile.
Hope they don't start blaming themselves for the split; this can be disasterous for them.
God bless you.
Oh Susan, i'm so sorry you and your kids are having such a hard time. What a jerk! He's probably hurting your kids just to make you hurt. Please try to get your kids into some counseling, and keep reminding them that none of this is their fault. I know it's hard to say anything positive about him, but don't bad mouth him in front of the kids.
I've been through exactly the same thing and really feel for you. Email me anytime you need to talk.