Does anyone get Headaches after Gastric Bypass Surgery
Hey guys I am just under three years out. Some of you old timers might remember me. Anyhow, for about 2 years now I have gotten a lot of headaches. For the first year they were so bad and often (24/7 literally) they had to but me on Neurontin as a preventive. I still have them daily but they are not as severe anymore.
My question is, has anyone else experienced this? My parents met a girl who had the same surgery and she was told by her doctor that it is pretty common after GBS. Thoughts anyone????
Hey Theresa.
Yes they thought it was my sinus's too and I even had sinus surgery. That did not help so they sent me to a neurologist. He then put me on the Neurontin. I have been very bad about taking my vitamins. So that might have something to do with it.
Things are well. I have gained back about 15 pounds though, but everyone tells me I look more healthy this way and that I was getting too thin. I however would like to loose about 10 of the pounds I gained back. It is easy to slip back into old habits of munching on carbs. So I am trying to change that and snack more cheese or raw veggies.
You might not be getting in enough liquid. Being dehydrated can give you terrible headaches. I've had problems with it off and on since surgery. Try upping your water and see if it helps. Also, are you anemic? I've just had some iron infusions for anemia and my headaches are less than what they were. Hope you find some answers.
Wow Jane, that really makes sense. I have not been the best with getting my liquids in and I really think that had a lot to do with my headaches, since your sinuses don't work well without lots of fluids. And all my labs are good except my's a little low, so that's something to think about too.
I remember you!!!!
How you doin?
Ok - You're probably too young for hormonal problems but sudden drops in estrogen can cause headaches in women.
More than likely not enough water. when we start out we are like da fishies. The we slip back into the some water everyonceinawhile thing. We need water more than a normal does. In fact the average GAP requires about 20% more water that what is recommended for a normal. Not enough water can trigger headaches and other aches for that matter.
Take care and take calcium.