OT Looking for a flute
Hey everyone, Jessa wants to join middle school band (she is a 5th grader) and we tried to rent one through the music company that services our school but since hubby is off work on disability right now, they would not approve us. So I am begging for a really inexpensive or free flute so that she can be in band. If any of you have one laying around that you would be willing to part with, it would be greatly appreciated.
I thought you were kidding, but if you really want one for free you may be able to pick one up they have all kinds of stuff, even Fender, Ibnez and les paul~ excellent choices I must say. The following was offered and taken today:
51000 TAKEN: Standard Computer Keyboard (Plymouth)
This was picked up by Erin's brother this morning. Thank you! [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]... Peg Foen
Sep 21, 2006
10:30 am
50999 thank you for the keybored peg.
i woud like to say a big thank you for the keybored now i dont have to sharie mine with my older brotehr. thanks agon ~Erin Lynn~..