tummy tuck?
tommorrow i'm supposed to schedule my 'tummy tuck'. I don't really know anything about it other than on my one year follow up with my new doctor, he said i'd qualify to have it done. I plan to ask about what exactly they are going to do, a panilectomy or a full tummy tuck, how long the recovery is and what will be involved and how painful it will be. Any idea for other questions i should ask before i do this? i'm a bit nervous about it and am not sure how to handle it.
Tell him you want me to scrub in.
He will probably do an anchor cut and tighten your stomach muscles while there. It will hurt like hell and you may have regrets immediately afterwards but it was worth it for me. I feel a lot better.
Ask him if he's gonna leave your belly button alone. What about dog ears, monkey tails and cat's asses. Ask him if Guinness is a diet beer. What about PBJ sandwiches. Will it be a general or epidural? Can you get a lap dance now that you can see your lap? Who's you buddy? Who's your pal? How many drains will you have? Why does Jon fart in the faces of burger eating ladies at Conney Islands? How high the moon?
Gotta go Southpark is on.
dude, that was really Dio on the 9:30 episode wasn't it? at least the music part.
Guiness isn't vegetarian btw, just something to note. it's got bone marrow in it (protein?) PBJ are no no for his patients, he doesn't want a repeat. general and morphine for me, i hope. Jon knows how to party. that's all i know.
thanks, i will ask aobut the stomach muscles, i'd like that done if it's covered. he did tell me it won't be as painful as my neck surgery, but neither would be getting hit with a mack truck so that wasn't entirely reassuring.
thanks for your input, i was planning on contacting you with more specifics after i get my questions answered. can you really be there for the surgery? you're down there often, right? how long did they keep you in the hospital? am i gonna need to do this when Mel can be around or can I be on my own when i leave the hospital? i don't want to put her through another round like the neck surgery, it was hard on all three of us.
I was watching the Tigers fall apart but it was a repeat and I believe Ronny did the vocals.
Our stomach muscles mess us up because they hang low from working the weight before. That is what hurt.
I will be there for your surgery if you want but I can't be in the OR. I am not and employee, just a jackass. I was in two days. I got to my room real late - it took me 6 hours to wake up. I stayed one more cause the nurses had a thing for me. The second one he made sure I was not that deep and I woke up in a half hour. I had a melt down before and he was worried about me and pulled a wheel in to put me under. You will not drive yourself home - you will be a doped up mess. I will do that for you. Jon will paint your nails.