Can you guys believe it? I just did it two years ago, and now they want me on october 6th. Is there any way i can get out of it? I sent in a form saying my daughter is sick and i want to postpone it.....ya think it will work? I really don't want to miss any time with me having a new job. any advice? Can my luck get any worse?
Thanks Laurie
You're right, it could get a lot worse. I just feel like i'm trying to climb out of this hole and someone is pushing me back in. At least i called my mortgage company and got a repayment plan for the two months i missed, so that's a good thing. Thank God i found a job that's flexible.
Hi Linda, I am actually glad that you posted this because I got my summons for Jury Duty and forgot to return it! Hopefully I am not past the 10 day mark that they allow you to return the form... Oooooppsss!!
I did want to let you know that on my form it said if there was a medical reason why you couldn't serve jury duty to attach a note from your doctor. Not sure if they are the same but I would assume that it is because it is a State of Michigan thing. Maybe your daughters doctor could write you a note to excuse you??? Just a thought!
I'll be praying for you that things turn around and start working in your favor!!
God Bless!
I worked in court for many years. I know it can seem very heartless when they don't excuse people because of hardship issues, but you would have to see it to understand. One person says I can't do it because I'm the sole support of my family and I don't get paid if I'm not there. The next person says hmm, well I'm a small business owner, it's just me, and the business can't run without me. Then it becomes a domino effect and half the people want off, and there goes our jury system.
Generally, they will let you postpone it for one year for hardship. The court I worked in had a one day, one trial system for those who had serious problems. You had to come in for jury selection one day. If you aren't selected, your service is complete. You might want to ask if this court has anything like this. The worse thing you could do is go in adamant that you can't do it ever. That will guarantee that you will be serving.