Hi Rachel:
I just bought some 100% Premium Whey Protein powder chocolate flavor from Wal-Mart and it is really tasty! It has 23 grams of protein per scoop 1 gram of sugar and 2 carbs. It is 11.97 for 2 pounds, I mixed it with milk and a teaspoon of peanut butter and OMG!! I am having surgery tomorrow instead of Tuesday, so I am all liquid today.
I was soooo hungry today, at first I was eating jello and broth and then I thought, "Wait a minute..............full liquid diet includes pudding and milk shakes!!" So that's what I've been eating today. Tomorrow is going to be painful (clear liquids) but I'll get thru it. Are you excited?? Scared??? How did you get your date moved up? We can't eat protein shakes until week two or three right? Where did you get your vitamins? I got mine at a health food store at they were $40 for a terrible tasting liquid. I went online at Vitamin World and they had buy one get one for $13 adult chewable multivitamins. (It figures) I just got out of my second shower for the day.
I got a call on Friday from Dr. Chengelis office, Laura asked me if I wanted to change my date to Monday since Tuesday they will be short residents who will be assisting Dr. C, I said SURE!! Dr. C told me to do protein shakes so that is what I have been doing today, I have also been doing sugar free Popsicles and sugar free jello. As for vits, the hospital said not to take any so I have not, but I bought the chewable Viactiv at meijers today they have the travel size bags for $2.98 and there are 10 in the bag so I bought 2 to start me off with. I am getting nervous I have already left my instructions and I have filled out my advance directive so I am ready to go! I have to be at Beaumont Royal Oak at 9 am and surgery is at 11:00 am WOO HOO!!! I will be thinking about you while I am there on Tuesday. Take care!! Licia