I'm home......!
well, I'm officially on the losing side. I spent 3 days in the hospital and it feels good to be home. I was having some major gas issues, but they seem to be waning now...Boy!, that gas is no joke. The first day out from surgery my gas was sooooooo bad and didn't seem to wanna move. They kept telling me to walk but it hurt to bad to walk. So I would wait till they gave me a pain shot, then I would walk all slumped over the IV pole. I was such a pitiful sight.....I want to add this disclaimer
at not time did the nurses and/or medical staff suggest that I walk medicated, I kinda snuck and did it when my nurse wasn't around. You could fall and injure yourself, so I don't advise anyone doing that). I was aware of how I was interacting with the medicine so I did it...but again it is not recommended.
Now, with that our of the way....I'm home and doing well, just working on getting all my fluids in so...........I'll be posting again soon. Thanks for all the prayers, well wishes, concerns and good thoughts...I appreciate them more than you know. TTYL.
Kori!! Welcome to the losing side. I'm so glad that you are home and doing well. I've been waiting to hear how you were doing.
It always amazed me how much just simply walking helped moved that gas. I really felt it in my shoulders that first week. I almost wore a path around my living room, dining room and kitchen walking when I got home. But it helped soooooo much!
Keep doing well and keep us posted! Tina
Thanks to all the well wishes. I'm feeling pretty good....just a little stir crazy being in the house....my ususal schedule is always go, go, go. I imagine I'll adjust.....for just a little while longer anyway... hehe..... The gas is better everyday...I'm trying to get all my walking done, but walking in these circles around the house is driving me NUTS!!!!! Plus, I just found out today that something is wrong with my treadmill....I'm majorly BUMMED!!!....so I have to find another way to get all my walking in. It's gonna be cold soon and walking outside will be out of the question......(sigh)...what is a girl to do?
Thanks again for the encourgagement everybody. ***hugggssszzzzz*****