as most of you know, i have been going through hell trying to find out what is wrong with my daughter. She is 11 years old and in a great deal of pain on her right side. Her pediatrician was a piece of sh*t, so i changed her to my pcp, who is getting to the root of the problem. She has been to a gynecologist, a urologist, a nephrologist, numerous ultrasounds and finally a ct scan of her abdomen and pelvis. she also has blood in the urine and is premenstrual. She can't eat, or sleep. I lost my job because of this, and have recently started a part time job which is very flexible. The tests have all come back normal, and my pcp is baffled. She will be going to a surgeon on the 21st to be evaluated. Are there any other tests she will have to go through or will he do exploratory surgery? Anybody got any ideas? i can't afford all these appts and am on the verge of losing my house. I just want her to feel better!
Hi Linda,
My daughter is 16 and has been having those same type of symptoms for about 3 yrs now. All kinds of tests have been run and everything comes back negative. I took her to my gyn & she did a pelvic US and it came back ok.
I am very worried as cancer runs in the females of my family, youngest sister had cervical cancer 2 times, they did a hysterectomy after the 2nd one and left her 1 ovary, she started having symptoms with that one & they went to remove it and it was mush the dr said. After treatments she is in remission, Thank God.
My oldest sister just died Aug 22 from ovarian cancer. It wasn't diagnosed until June and by then it was so far gone they could do nothing.
She had been complaining to her PCP for 6 months about pain and all the symptoms of ovarian cancer. They kept laughing about it, saying there was nothing there to be hurting.
I had a hysterectomy in 2000 as I had pre-cancerous cells.
I hope your daughter gets feeling better soon and hope they find out what it is.
Let me know how its going will ya please.
Take care
Wow De, that's scarey. Is her pain constant? It sounds to me like you need to go to a new dr. I am very agressive with doctors and insist on the right treatment, which is why i love my pcp. He is thinking the surgeon will do a scope or exploratory surgery. I hope it's over soon. Thanks for the reply and i hope you get some answers.
I'm bumming out about your kid here. I don't like kids in pain. And having this pile on you makes it even tougher.
I couldn't possibly have as much info as a MD. What about muscle spasms? They don't show up on scans or Xrays. Could she have done something like I did last year to my rib. Could see it or feel the muscle in a bad way but I sure felt it.
Positive vibes for you and your youngin.
no medical advice from me unfortunately, just wanted to send oyu a hug and best wishes.
my daughter in law has been very sick for the past couple mnths with what appears to be gall bladder. all tests come up normal. yet she has seveere pain & throws up. she doesnt have an appendix or any female parts left so that isnt a possibility.
hope find something soon. and BTW.......
have you tried getting the MI childrens ins thru the state for her to pay ??
Thanks for the hug, i sure needed it. I have tried to get insurance through the state, but they turned me down. I do have insurance, but its the copay and prescriptions thats killing me. 20 bucks each appt (usually twice a week) then the scripts they keep trying on her (thirty bucks each at least once a week) . i'm hoping it will be over soon.