someone please keep me in your prayers
i am a 22yr old mother. I have a 2yr old and a 6wks old baby. i am on disability for my asthma, and the other day i had an attack . I went to the hosipital and was there for 3 days. Well i stay in an apartment building and some where around the time i guess me leaving for the hospital coming down stairs or getting in the ems i must have dropped my purse. All my money was in the purse i dont get any other money for an whole month my car is down , my rent is due, i got a shut off notice on my lights and gas and on top of all of that i got 2 kids that really depend on me cause i or they dont have anyone else i cant even buy my baby a bag of diapers. I believe in prayer and i know that God is here and he would never leave me but i cant see my way out of this one . I called my worker she said that there is nothing she can do. Do anybody know anywhere i can go that will pay me everyday for work. because i have to look past my disability right now and proved for my family or i will have to just go to an shelter. Im not trying to burden you guys with my problems because i know everyone has they own individual problems but im breaking down right now.keep me in your prayers please.
You are certainly in my prayers. Can you ask for help at your church or from the Salvation Army? I understand that they can sometimes work with the utility companies, and maybe help out with diapers and such. I'm just back to the area so I don't know about employers, are there any listings in the phone book under temporary labor? Libraries are good places to read the classifieds for free.
HI Janice,
I will keep you in my prayers. The only position I know that gets you paid everyday is waitressing or bartending. (tips) There are places called "Compassion Pregnancy Center" (one at 23 mile rd and I-94) and they will help you out with food and diapers for your baby too. I'm sure you already know about WIC too. Are you anywhere near Clinton Township? If you need some diapers I can always help you out. Let me know and take care.
God Bless,