9/11 Memorial on my profile
Every year I find a place to remember in my heart those we lost on 9/11.
I have placed on my profile, a website link that is very moving. It is indeed a reminder of what happened and is not for the faint of heart. Prepare to have tissues handy. I know I needed several.
Click on the link close to the top of my profile and turn on your speakers and just listen and watch. It will truly move you.
Godspeed troops come home, Godspeed.
All my prayers to those we lost, and those still fighting....
Laurie I felt the same way when I saw it for the first time 2 years ago.
It has been updated somewhat from what I recall.
Same song. Enya.
Same graphic horrible photos.
Tears come to my eyes when I watch it every time.
And this is the time when I watch it to remember.
Thanks ...I just wanted to share it.
Wow...how moving. I had chills through the whole thing. We just went to see the movie last night "World Trade Center" and it was very well done. Told the story of those who helped rescue people....I cried throught that too. I will never forget, and I will be flying my flag on Sunday! Thanks Stacey. Theresa God be with our soldiers!