Hernia and TT Road to Recovery Thank You to all
I just wanted to take a second to thank everyone for there kind words and support, your encouragement and prayers worked . I am having a unbelievable recovery I am having almost zero pain I am moving around like nothing.I have a slight tightness only, no burning at all!! I am sitting and standing effortlessly. At Kev`s orders I am not chasing my pain with the meds I am taking them regularly reguradless if I hurt or not. But I feel fantastic. I also want to send out a special thanks to Kev for visiting me at the hospital and kicking butt where they had fallen down a bit in my care . My wife was impressed. I owe you a dark beer of your choice my friend .. I will be surprised if I am out of work more than 2 weeks I feel that good right now.
Glad you are feeling so good buddy! However, don't plan on being pain free. When the nerves start to regenerate, you will experience some shocking pain. Keep taking the pain meds as you are going to need them. I'm glad things are going well for you! Sounds like you will be back on the ice sooner than you thought!