OMG My mom FINALLY calls me last night. She hasn't talked to me since after my surgery. Which was the 17th of July. She asked me how much I was weighing now. I told her I weighed in at 215. She was like "Well why aren't you losing alot of weight??" real *****y too. LOL I was like " ummm I've lost like 31 pounds in 6 weeks. Plus, it is that time of the month so I am sure I weigh less then 215." She was a total witch about it. SOME PEOPLE I TELL YA!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry just had to vent.
At least she called, and you know she is absolutely hating that you have done something positive for yourself that she has no control over.
Just a suggestion, I chose not to give out numbers to anyone. I tell the insistent ones that I'm down "a size or two." That way they (notably dad, God bless parents) can't keep score and demand to know what I'm doing wrong when a stall happens. And, it helps make them crazy, lol.
Oh ya just got to love the "support" that some people give!!!! (NOT!!!!)
I'd suggest not discussing it with her. When she asks how you're doing, just tell her that you're doing GREAT!!! You're following your doctors plan and it's all going very well. Some people are just looking for something to complain about!!!
Keep your chin up, I know it hurts when it comes from family members but just remember that we're your new family now too, and we love and support you all the way.
CONGRATS on your weight loss!!!!! You celebrate every pound you loose, no matter what other's say!!!!!
I find myself always surprised how much crap grown adults put up with from their parents. It is like they have some kind of super power or something. I used to do that. My mom used to hurt my feelings all of time. Just last night she stopped by after her Vegas trip to bring me a gift. It is a really nice braclet with some bling to it. The she says "it was not cheap, make sure you take care of it." Are you kidding me????? I am going on 38 years old. I said "Do I look 12." I blew it off, but how annoying.
I drew boundires many years ago with my parents. I do not, under any cir****tance, allow my mother to disrespect me. My dad passed away 2 years ago, but alway respected my boundries. My mom does to a degree. Things are much better now. I just know that there are things I cannot discuss with my Mom or rely on her for. I stopped banging my head against the wall years ago. I love my parents, but I have to protect myself and my stable mental state is more important to me than feeding whatever neuroses they have going on. I am a grown adult and their job is done. Parents never have the right to degrade their children or hurt them.
She outta just be happy I am not her daughter. That sh** would never fly with me. Don't let he get you down. You will be amazed how your condfiedence will increase as you lose and how little you will care what she thinks.
Take care.
And I thought I was the only one with the neurotic mother.................I still haven't told my mom about the surgery and I don't plan on it either. When I was trying to have it last April I was excited and was telling everybody but unfortunately I didn't get the response I had hoped and I mostly got negative feed back about the surgery. (mostly from the skinny people) Mom always had a story about the person who had a stroke and went blind after the surgery or the person that died, etc..... she also liked to tell my kids that I'm going to die and they'll be orphans, etc......(this coming from a 118 pound woman who has never weighed over 130 in her life, including during her pregnancy with me.) Once I start losing weight and she starts with her talk of "See, I told you you could do it on your own........" That's when I'll tell her I had the surgery.
Hey Lady Di,
You are doing good sweetie, I have not been the first person on my mom's list to call lately either. Of course, I never have been. She does not call me usually unless I call her. Terri is right on in what she is saying, parent's do not ever get a free pass to treat their children with disrespect (no matter how old the child is). I have had to set many boundries with my family over the years. I am glad I learned how to do this, it is indeed not easy to do and does take practice( at least it did me to get it right). So keep your chin up girl, you are doing great!!!!!!!
Hugs, Phyllis
Sorry,,, that's absolute bull**** You are doing fine and don't think anything different. 31 lbs in that amount of time is a substantial loss. I'm sorry she said that to you. I know she's your mother but it was uncalled for.
Without going into detail I can understand your feelings and I amazed at what parents say to their children. I see a lot of strangeness in my line of work and my own experience weighs in too. This may sound pretty nutty but I am fortunate enough to have had my mother spin free the mortal coil last fall. Unfortunately my brother has stepped up to the plate to take her place.
Forget her remarks. You are doing great.