Ok, I am supposed to start a new job 1 week after my surgery...I know....jaws are falling on the ground as you read this, but I was hoping that I would be able to start a week later. It is a sit down job at a desk with a computer, no strenous work at all. I can walk around when I need to and am I bonkers to think that I will able to work 1 week post op? As a added note, my new employers know that I am having a surgery they just don't know what it I am sure they will very helpful with any accomodations I may need. Alright, let me have it.
Hi, Kori.
I wasn't working at the time I had surgery, so I didn't have to worry about it. However, I was SO tired and really didn't feel myself until about three weeks post-op. I ran a low grade fever for three weeks. It wasn't high enough to be concerning, but it kicked my butt! When that finally left me, I was fine. But I think a desk job will be ok. I'm a teacher (was going to school, working on my master's during the time I was off and having my surgery) and I couldn't have imagined going back to work after a week or two. Eek! But everyone is different, so it'll just depend on you. Hopefully, all will go well and you'll be able to get right to work. It's good that your new employers know what's going on. Good luck! Tina
Hi Kori,
I had open rny and I have a majority of the time sit down job in television.
I went back to work part time 3 weeks post op, and full time 4 weeks post op.
The guys I work with helped me lift tapes and things that I needed for my shift,
and the entire station was very very accomodating to me and my needs.
What I did not have was support at home, I ended up with fractured ribs in my posterior side (approx 7 fractured ribs) and we are not 100 percent sure "why or how" these happened but guess that it was because post op recovery at home I did the majority of things on my own and wasn't suppose to.
So make sure you have help at home for sure, and that you keep the weight to no more than 5 lbs to lift while @ work.
My best to you
I had lap and I could NOT have gone back in one week. I too have a "desk" job without a lot of strenuous activity. I wasn't really pain-free until 4 weeks after surgery. I went back to work after 6 weeks. I'm always surprised when I read that some have gone back to work in 1 or 2 weeks - - there's no way I could have done that.
I went back to work in 2 after lab RNY, and then after 2 days back I got severe stomach flu and had to take the rest of that week off. I, personally, could have used more time off. I have a desk job also, but I just felt nauseated all the time and tired and just wanted to lie down where it was quiet and I didn't have to "concentrate" on anything.
Everyone is different as to how they handle this surgery.. for me it wasn't the "pain" it was the "not feeling myself" and the nausea (and the flu).
Best of luck to you.. you may just surprise yourself and feel great!
I am three and a half weeks out from having lap Duodenal Switch. I went back after two weeks, and the first three days were easy days, as they were inservices. Students came back this past Monday, which was two days short of three weeks for me. Lap DS'ers have a slightly longer recovey day than RNY because we have many more internal suture lines and more scope maneuveing. Also, I was under anesthesia for 4.5 hours, and had my appendix out too. I am doing quite well. I teach music and am on my feet a good part of the day, moving and dancing and all that with the wee ones. I just tried to do a bit more sitting this past week. Of course, I came home and just crashed every day! My advice to you is if you do go back so soon (and I know of several RNYs that went back that soon) make rest and a decent walk your only two priorities the first few weeks back. If you have kids, have someone else run them around, have someone else cook dinner, etc. Im 45, no spring chicken, and I am feeling pretty decent. Do tire a bit and I seem to be hitting the sack by 9 or 10 every night. Good luck!