It's Official - I'm a college student now!!!
I'm going to take some college class this fall. It was kind of last minute as classes start on the 21st of September, but I didn't think I could find what I was looking for. I NEED online classes. With dh gone during the week it's just not an option for me to be in class in the evening, and that's when they offer my classes.
I called today and I got four online classes set for me!! I had to student loan most of it (bummer) but at least it's low interest.
Get a load of these classes:
Lit 311 American Ethnic Lit
Pol 401 Internat'l Relations
Lit 302A The American Novel
Math 112 Interm. Algebra
Tres boring for the average student!! But for me, it will be something to do during the day while my kids are gone to school.
Laurie -
Yes. I went to Baker a few years ago. I thought I had enough credits to substitute teach. But Baker's credit are different then most, so they only count as 3/4 of a regular credit.
Anyway, if I take these four class now, then in January I can be a Sub. Teacher. And they count towards my teaching degree as well (if I even get to finish that up).
I love going to school, love to learn, and REALLY love the online classes.
Cool for you. I am happy for you! Did you know that if you register on the main Community College on line class website that you can take any iof the classes offered at the community colleges in Michigan for the price of your local college? That's what my daughter did and she has gotten all of her pre-req's done for nursing. It helps cuz' the classes fill up fast.
Happy Learning!
I will be beginning my 5th year with Baker online on the 21st. I have one degree and I am now pursuing my second one. Online is the only way to go for alot of people with so many other responsibilities that traveling to school is almost impossible. I am in the Health Services Administration program and I have 8 classes to go to finish this degree. I look forward to finishing but I love school so you never know I may just keep going. Good luck to you and again congrats!
Weren't you able to get a Pell Grant?
I want to go back to school myself to become a private investigator. I'm trying to do it via Michigan Works! so they will pay all, if not most of it. If not, I hope the Pell Grant will pay the rest.
I'm considered disabled by Social Security, but I figure I have at least 20-25 more years of work left in me!
I was able to get a very SMALL pell grant!!! Not even enough to pay 1/4 of the bill, so I have to student loan the rest. Weird huh? Five kids living at home and we qualify for free lunches at school and stuff - but no money for college!!!
PI huh? That is pretty cool. I've always wanted to be an OR nurse, but I couldn't get there through on line classes and I just can't drive 1.5 hrs one way to school when dh alreday drives that for work!! I've never had any luck with MI works, I went to see what they could help me with as far as training goes.... they were so rude!! She wouldn't even tell me what types of things they'd pay for. She said I had to ask about a specific program and they'd say yes or no.... I stood there feeling like an idiot trying to think of programs, all that I came up with she said no to. I felt so mad and discouraged I just left and haven't been back!!
Wishing you the best in your training!!!!!
Mine is the same way... I have six kids, all get free lunch, we qualify for food stamps and for Medicaid, but I only got a small pell grant and now have like 7 grand in student loans, now that I am done. Mine was so expensive because I did my classes through an out of state university and had to pay the non-resident costs. I didn't realize that untill about 6 months ago, but by then I figured I would just finish up and then transfer to a local college for my teaching degree.
Kind of strange how we can get assistance for so many things, but when it comes to furthering our education so we can make more money so we don't need the help, there is no money for education. Kind of irritating and back a** backwards if you ask me.
Well, good luck again.
Shawn M.
Oh yes!! And when I was seperated from my husband, I was enrolled full time in college and social services said that my hours in school wouldn't count toward my MI works hours and I STILL had to work 38 hours per week in order to get assistance!!!! Tell me that isn't the stupidest thing. So, I can take a $6.00 per hour job and FIA will pay roughly $9.00 per hour for my day care expenses!!!!!! But they won't let me go to college and pay nothing for day care (cuz I was taking on line and only two in house classes)!!!
only a government thing could be this screwed up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on your schooling. That is absolutely wonderful!!!! I've got a lot of credits but they went in many different directions, so I don't have any degree yet.