Chelsea/A2 Support Update!
Greetings and salutations to all! Our next meeting will be on Septemeber 1st at Panera Bread on Jackson Rd. between Chelsea & Ann Arbor. Take I-94 to Zeeb Rd. (or Baker, whichever suits you) and South to Jackson Rd. and turn left, heading toward Ann Arbor. You'll actually have to pass Panera Bread, which will be on your left, to make a Michigan turn around.
We're trying something new, this month. We're going to meet earlier, gathering between 5:30 and 6:00. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me, Shannon D or Katie H. Remember, all are welcome and we look forward to seeing each other very much...we have a lot to catch up on ! I'll post a reminder a couple days before...
See you soon!
Lizzie B
Thank you for the compliments on my picture! I didn't know it had changed yet until Katie said's from our daughter's wedding reception July 15, exactly 1 year and 4 days after my surgery. I definitely have to get that flip thing going, Shannon!
Shawn, I'm sorry I missed you last time, I hope you can make it again, I look forward to meeting you!
See you all in a couple of days
Lizzie B