greetings from not so sunny south F-L-A
i lived here in South Florida for 20 years and most of that time i thought "gee this is supposed to be a tropical paradise and everyone is so happy and yet i think it kinda sucks and is shallow and like being stuck in some bad sitcom"... and then i moved to michigan and i thought "... maybe it was just me, maybe all those people who are working so damn hard to buy generators because they're scared of yet one more hurricane leaving them with from one day to as much as four MONTH power outages rushing around in their cars up and down I-95 and treating winding two lane roads through "ustabe" rural roads like Rt 441 and Lyons Rd as motor speedways while dodging little old ladies in the left lane who are driving 15mph below the speed limit... whining about JEB (Governer John Ellis Bush), sweating in sweltering heat that weighs on your shoulders like a 300lb wet wool blanket are REALLY happy and those tight assed little smiles that they have while shaking their heads and saying "yep, they say storm activity is going to keep going up and up over the next few years" are really smiles filled with joy and it's just me that's the miserable ******* but then... i went back to south florida and i realized people in michigan freaking rock. life sucks everywhere but almost everyone i've met in michigan is smiling and finds time to have fun and laugh about good things and ya know what, i've decided that if people in Palm Beach can't be happy living in a sub tropical paradise at a time of year when the ocean is deep crystal blue and there's something cool about looking up at dark stormy clouds filled with lightning and hearing on the radio that there's two tropical storms brewing out there in the atlantic and knowing that yep people are probably gonna die but you'll finally meet the neighbors, enjoy the feeling of camping out, cooking on wood fires and throw one kick arse and take names honkin' BBQ...
well if they can't be happy living in their "beautiful tropical lifestyle"... i'm gonna be happy for them.
oh and one thing about having lived in south florida all those years... i can swim, baby, i can swim. so bring on the synchronized swimming WLS team. i'm packing my bathing suit and i'm heading home to michigan.