Sugery date moved up!!
Hi Connie
i will be having it at Alma on Sept 5th i was a little nervous about having my endoscopy but heck it was so easy nothing to it, just that spray they put in your mouth just before don't taste to good but that was it.
that is where they found my hiatal hernia so then i had to have a upper GI had that done now just a cpl meetings i have to go to, then surgery, cant Waite ,wish you the best as well hugs..Ed
Oh my Ed, that date is just around the corner!
Just for your info, theyve been reeling salmon in like crazy this week. They are starting to head for the river, and some are even being caught now at the bridge over on old 31. We walked out to the breakwall every night this week and they were catching them off there left and right too!