Plastic surgery may not happen for me
I received an email overnight from the plastic surgeon's office and they indicated that it will be a "FEW WEEKS" before my surgery date is provided/scheduled.
I sat in tears when I read that. And it isn't because I have to wait, I don't mind the wait at all. Honest.
The key factor here is my Mom. What does she have to do with this? Well I'll tell you.
She is the only person I can find who can take me to the hospital, stay with me at the hospital, and take me home and stay with me as long as I need her to for my recovery and return visits to the surgeon.
THE BAD NEWS: She leaves on January 3, 2007 for Mazatlan Mexico, having already purchased her round trip airfare at over 1 thousand dollars, and she won't cancel or reschedule it "UNLESS I PAY FOR HER TICKET" which, I cannot.
Obviously, her trip to Mexico is more important to her than me, so it is breaking my heart, and it is so typical. I've never been a priority in her life. Ever.
So that is why I'm so upset. I'm in quite a position here and wonder....anyone who had Dr. DiNick in Ypsilanti, when they called you how long did you have to wait for your surgery?
Do you think it is possible this could happen for me before the end of November so I have the healing time I need before the first of 2007?
I am so frustrated right now I could just spit. This just sucks. It really does!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry you are going through this. I had to wait a long time to get my date. I don't think it took them so long to give me the actual date, but I had to wait a long time for the surgery. I think I saw him in the spring and had my surgery the following January. I know his list and waiting time is long. I would call Robbie and see if they can put you on a cancellation list and tell her the situation....maybe they can do something. My surgery was cancelled the day of because of an emergency with a child, but that was rescheduled for the next week. I'll be praying that you hear something really soon.
Anyone else out there that had DiNick that remembers how long it took to get your surgery date.
Let us know.
Well when I saw him in July, he said possibly October....does that mean 2007???
I hope not.
Not having anyone to take me, nor stay with me, or take me home sucks. It all revolves around that for me. And that person is leaving in January.
All I can do is call them and see what can happen. Thanks for the info...
I'll call them today.
Please don't get discouraged and don't call yourself fat!! Try to call the doctors office and explain the situation to them. Maybe they will be able to accomodate you sooner than later. I know this whole thing can be frustrating and upsetting but you have to think positive. I also have a parent that has spent his life putting everyone else before me and I haven't had a relationship with him in 6 years. I understand completely.
Keep your head up.
Stacey in Southeast Michigan
Well I called but got voice mail so I left a message. We'll see.
Discouragement comes from having a mother who is self centered and negative.
Upset comes from not having enough friends to support my dreams of having this done and not being able to ask anyone to take me and stay with me- it's clearly unthinkable.
There is NO one...and that's all. It's either her or it doesn't happen.
All I can do is hope. I'm not giving up, just venting my concerns and upsets.
Being in 3rd place all of my life is tiring and being told that I am less important than a trip to Mexico crushes me but-- I'm use to it.
Will keep you posted. Thanks for the words of encouragement.
It must be one of "THOSE" weeks.
I couldn't stay the whole week, but I know I could come a few days and help you out. All you have to do is let me know the schedule and I would drive over and help you. I work every other weekend for 4 days, but I am off for 10 day stretches. My hubby is a very kind hearted man and would love to help out with the kids so I could help a friend. I don't have friends either so I understand how you feel. I have never been able to get anyone to care enough about me to stick with me for long. Maybe it is me, but I tend to think it was the fat. I don't want those people in my life anyway.
I would be honored to be your friend and do what I could to help you out. Just call me. I will email you my phone number and we can talk anytime.
I couldn't email you off of your profile.
Here is my phone number, but I don't want any crazies like kp of jon pranking me in the middle of the night farting in the phone or anything now you all!!
Please call me or email me anytime. I truly would like to help you out. You are such a kind person and deserve to have help in this.
PS- I love my mom, but she is nuts too. So I get it.
To my knowledge Dr DiNick is not doing any surgery for a couple of months, he is spending the time to open his new office, he can't do both at the same time. About 10 days ago I got a surgery date for the day before Thanksgiving, a friend of my was offer some time in Dec but decided to schedule for 3 Jan 07. This will be my fourth surgery with Dr DiNick, this last surgery was schedule for 3 Jun but it was postpone due to my possimum level being to low. Dr DiNick is worth the wait, just ask anyone who had surgery with him.