Downriver Support Group!!!!
We're looking forward to seeing everyone on Thursday evening, Aug. 17, at 7pm...Big Boy in the Southland Mall. If you think you might be coming, please let me know just so I have an approximate "count" for's not a committment
! Remember, everyone is welcome, and we're hoping to meet some new people, too!
See you then!
Lizzie B

Oh Linda, I've been so looking forward to meeting you. Don't you worry, Larry (my husband) always sits on one side of me, you can sit on the other, and we'll just ease our way through, okay? You won't believe this when you meet me, but I'm really very shy and would much rather sit, listen and be ignored
. Thankfully, everyone who has joined us so far is very friendly and easy to be with, and I just shift into my "learned behaviors". Plus it's so exciting to hear the enthusiasm and anticipation everyone has, I've found it to be very inspiring. And you're a month ahead of me, so I won't be the "oldest" one! Feel free to bring someone you feel comfortable with, too...I wouldn't be able to show up without Larry, honest.
Come and be you with us!
Lizzie B