OMG-2 KIDNEY STONES!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure drinking so much helped in getting rid of the stone. When I had mine they were caused from protein. Sometimes they are a calcium build up. So when I had WLS I was so worried with all the protein we consume that I would get them again. But, I was told that as long as I keep my kidney well flushed with fluid it shouldn't be a probelm and so far they were right. Take care, Fran
I haven't heard of that but I guess it would depend on what you stones were made up of. I know this sounds gross but did you save one? When you go to the doctor take it with you they can test it and tell you what it is made up of. Since mine were caused by protein I was put on a prescription medication that reduced uric acid. So I wonder if what she told you to take works on calcium stone. Take care, Fran
OMG! I hope I don't have a second one! Mine just passed today (57 hours of pain). It wasn't small either! About hmm, what can I think of that is small. Half the size of a pea maybe? I caught it thank goodness and will take it into the doctors office to be tested.
Hope you are feeling better!