Another surgery - how much can my body take?
Sorry if this runs long.....
I went and saw a proctologist this a.m. Oh what a joy that was. Last Tuesday morning I was feeling good. By Tuesday night I was in horrible pain (think of a hot *****ly knife in your butt). Wednesday was a bit better and Thursday DAY was good. Thursday night was a nightmare - I cried for hours. This pain has been horrendous! This morning I was better but not great, soreness still prevailed.
I know what caused the pain to come back Thursday night - I'd not taken my new miracle cream after and the pain flew in like a swift bird of prey. I nearly saturated myself all night with my cream - but the procto nearly did me back in with that gloved finger.
A 3 minute exam lead to: we need to operate. He says, with 30 years of exp., that I have an anal fissure. He wants to perform a sphincterotomy - they go in and cut the sphincter muscle to aleviate the spasms that are causing the pain and keeping the fissure from healing. 3 minutes!!!
He says w/o surgery MAYBE it'll heal, MAYBE it won't. From all I've read, maybe it will, maybe it won't. In everything I've read it says that surgery is a last resort treatment. The downsides are that I could have trouble with flatulance incontinence (don't laugh KP!!!) and/or urinary difficulty (caused by swelling) and a really black and blue butt.
I feel like I'm stuck between a fissure and a hard place. He can only operate on Monday but the rest of his week is already booked (he's doing this on his day off) and the following week he's going on vacation. SO if the pain comes back and I back out of Monday's surgery - I'm potentially left with pain for 3 weeks.
I don't know what to do. I'm praying for certain! As to the decision, I feel rushed. Mind you, I'm saying that while not in pain. I'm going to see how the
weekend goes. My fear is that I'll cancel on Monday morning and be hit with the
pain come Tuesday.
But how much surgery in 7 months can someone take? That concerns me. I really really don't want another surgery - esp by a surgeon I don't even know. I know this is a long shot - but has anyone here ever had a sphincterotomy?
In the Zoo
That surgery isn't that bad; been there done that. I do realize you have been through alot but I tell you its a lot better with it than with out it. In fact that is how that office works; in one day and in surgery the next; you appreciate that when its over. . Its the after care things that they forget to tell you. Which makes it alot more comfortable. I can give you some tips if you need them. btw congrats on your weight loss you have really done well. Happy
I could make some real smart-assed comments here but I will exercise great restraint.
This procto has 30 years. It's a butt-hole. Not a lot of possibilities there. It's a one way street used by only one thing so it's pretty specialized and isn't subject to much in the way of outside influence. (I'm trying to be delicate here)
From what you describe there are not many options here. I would get r done.
Now if there are doubts in your mind then maybe the second opinion is a good idea but you have to do something before it gets real bad.
Positive vibes to you.
Hey Sherly,
Sorry to here you are in so much pain. I hope you feel better real soon. There are a couple of questions you need to ask yourself before you have this surgery. #1 do you want to continue to have this kind of pain? #2 What kind of rep. does this surgeon have? #3 do you want to continue to have this kind of pain? #4 What kind complication rate with this surgeon? #5 do you want to continue to have this kind of pain? #6. Do you really know any surgeon very well? #7 do you want to continue to have this kind of pain?????? Sheryl, do some quick research on this person if you find you are leary with him/her then get someone else, but get it done.You don't have to suffer. You are in my prayers.
God bless you,