how long before you started to feel normal
What do you mean normal? As far as food it took me a long time. I exercised and walked alot so I tended to feel normal right around 6 weeks because I was able to get so much walking in. I also went on a trip to Vegas when I was 6-7 weeks out which helped me a lot.
I take B-12 which helps with my energy level. When do you go back to the dr again? Part of my problem is that B-12 because there are days even though I am 18 months out there I am extremely tired. I just have to keep plugging away. But there are days where I have enough energy for my DH and I.
Hi Curt,
I'm 8 months out~all I can say is nothing will ever be normal again~and I'm glad for that! Seriously I started getting my energy at about 5 weeks out and have been going like the energizer bunny ever since. Are you getting your protein, water, and vitamins in on a regular basis? Are you eating enough to prevent hibernation syndrome? are you getting any exercise in? I find the more I exercise, the more energy I have. Hope you are feeling better soon.
God blesss you,