You mean to tell me I've never posted??!!
I had my BPD/DS surgery in 2000 at St John-Oakland. I have been reading this site for years and I've never posted a message! I'm a surgical RN, Director of Bariatric Surgery-first at North Oakland in Pontiac, now at Garden City, MI hospital. I lost 105 lbs and kept off 100. How the heck are YOU all doing? Let me know if I can answer any questions.
Hi Debra,
Welcome to the Michigan board! It sure is nice to see someone out as far as you. On this board I am probably one of the furthest out and I will be 3yrs out on the 19th. Have you had anything going on with you physically that your pcp is/was puzzled with???
I think we need Bariatric Specialist that aren't busy surgeons but know bariatric paitents and the complications that we can and do run in to. I have been having issues that my pcp can't seem to figure out, but I know my surgeon is WAY to busy to think about post problems. I am sure he probably doesn't think so, but, I know he does many surgeries everyday. I live over 2hrs away for my surgeons office and to have an appointment and then after waiting for a couple of hrs in the office and then being sent on my way because he is held up in surgery. I do know emergency's happen, That is why I think there is a real need for specialist. Any way just my opinion. Thanks for "coming out of the closet".......LOL
Take care----Toni
Thank you for your welcome. I have had some physical issues since surgery. It is important yo keep our pcp's up to date on what your surgery is, how it affects absorption, how it affects all systems, especially hormones (thyroid, estrogen, leptin, etc). How to keep a close eye on possible calcium, vitamin deficiencies, osteoporosis, etc. There are specialists who deal with bariatric patients, they are bariatric physicians, and if you go to the american society for bariatric physicians (not the american society for bariatric surgery) you may be able to find one in your area. Where in Michigan are you? I'll check postings and keep updated.
I've worked in the operating room with Dr. L. Actually, before I was a program director, I worked with many of the surgeons in the operating room. I'm still a certified operating room nurse, and this comes in handy sometimes. I can actually go into the OR with pts and sometimes, I'm asked to work in the OR on those day as they may be short staffed. I love this site and visit it often. Best of luck to you Patt. Thanks for replying to my post. Debra