Real Weight Loss Solutions

on 8/10/06 11:37 am - Detroit, MI
I have posted very few times since discovering this website...roughly about 2 years ago. This website has helped me in so many ways that words could not also helped me make a choice in chosing my surgeon. From numerous doctors mentioned and attending ALOT of seminars and doing my own research I feel extremely well in the choice I made. Today I attened the seminar at Lakeland Manor for Real Weight Solutions with Dr. Schuhknecht...this the 2nd semimar I attened with him hosting....once when he was at CORI....but that is whole different story. I was confident in his skills some time ago..and after today....I totally trust and without any doubt have faith in him. I met varouis employees of his staff and I have nothing but great praise for him...I would say to anyone that is looking into a skill surgeon..please research RWLS and their credentials. Also I like to send a special thanks to Kevin P. without you posting his phone number I would have never found him! good luck to everyone on their weight loss journery.
on 8/10/06 12:40 pm - linwood, MI
HI Rhonda, DR.S is great. He is my dr. I trust him completly. He will be doing my Hernia repair and TT. Best Wishes, Debbie
Jay K.
on 8/10/06 2:53 pm - Madison Heights, MI
Dr. S did my gf and a friend from the board and they both think the world of him. after moving to michigan i've used him for my followups and i'm totally impressed by him and his office staff and i'm probably gonna use him for my tt. i'd say you've found yourself a keeper.
on 8/11/06 11:47 pm - MI
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