Real Weight Loss Solutions
I have posted very few times since discovering this website...roughly about 2 years ago. This website has helped me in so many ways that words could not also helped me make a choice in chosing my surgeon. From numerous doctors mentioned and attending ALOT of seminars and doing my own research I feel extremely well in the choice I made. Today I attened the seminar at Lakeland Manor for Real Weight Solutions with Dr. Schuhknecht...this the 2nd semimar I attened with him hosting....once when he was at CORI....but that is whole different story. I was confident in his skills some time ago..and after today....I totally trust and without any doubt have faith in him. I met varouis employees of his staff and I have nothing but great praise for him...I would say to anyone that is looking into a skill surgeon..please research RWLS and their credentials. Also I like to send a special thanks to Kevin P. without you posting his phone number I would have never found him! good luck to everyone on their weight loss journery.