Green Tea
I have had some trouble since WLS in drinking plain water but I have now discovered diet green tea. It comes in 20 oz bottles and I have no trouble drinking 3 or 4 of these a day. Do you think this is okay? Do you think there are any added benefits of green tea? I seem to remember something about it a while ago but I don't remember exactly what it was. Any advice would be great.
I had the same problems drinking plain water early on. I drank a lot of decaf green tea and decaf regular tea. I have had the teas you are talking about. But most of the time I just drank brewed tea at home. Now, I was told it counted towards my water intake as long is it was caffeine and calorie free. So, I think you are ok. I don't remember if green tea is naturally decaffeinated....hmmmm. For myself, I try to avoid caffeine. I know there are certain claims to the benefits of green tea, but like you, I can't remember them right now...LOL!
Good luck.
Prudy, what you need to watch is that if it's caffeinated - caffeine is an appetite stimulate. Also, caffeine can dehydrate you. Have you the Talking Rain or Fruit 2 O drinks? Both are flavored water with the Talking Rain having 1% juice - no carbs and tastes like juice. You can get both from Sams.... although the Fruit 2 O can be bought everywhere.
In the Zoo
You'll turn green!!! JK
Anything that works is good in moderation, right? Some people can handle green tea and some can't for some reason. Since you can it's a good thing,,,, in moderation. We have very delicate balances as GAPs and we need to monitor them all the time. Since I don't know the make up of green tea is there something that you might be getting to much of or not enough of as a result your takin' a likin' to the green tea?
Let people (us) know what your research finds.