What should I do now?
I am like 95% sure I will have some type of WLS, but the insurance is the issue. I have checked with my employer and have the option of getting a new insurance policy that includes WLS, but will have to wait till November to even sign. Then the insurance doesnt take affect until January.
How much or what kind of things could I get accomplished between now and January? Is it worth my while to find a surgeon and get things started? If I visit the surgeon now, would that help me towards that period of time with physician monitored dieting? Can I by pass the physician monitored weight loss by getting my records from Jenny Craig. Weigh****chers, past physicians,etc?
I dont want to just sit here on my hands when I could be doing things to help this process. However I also dont want to get appointments now only to have to re do them closer to the scheuled surgery date.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Start keeping records and gathering records of attempted weight loss like from JC and WW. Get your PCP to back you up and write a letter recommending WLS.
Your PCP is the one that keeps records of attempts not the surgeon.
Start walking
Go to seminars and meet surgeons and talk to their staff. If you don't like them now you won't like them when you have tubes and staples hanging out of you.
Start walking
Make a list of pros and cons with each surgeon and type of surgery. I made a spread sheet and narrowed it from there.
Start walking.
Try protein products and see what tastes good.
Did I mention walking?
Thanks for you input. I wasnt really sure who it would be that I have to show past weight loss programs. Thanks for clearing that up.
Here is my dilemma, I have been overweight my entire life and a little short of my all time high. With saying that I am right at a BMI of 40. It may sound stupid, but I am a but unsure about exercising and dieting too much in fear of dieting myself right out of being eligible for WLS.
I do like your idea of visiting differnt weight loss seminars and seeing which one I like or better yet which ones I dont like.
If you have a BMI of less than 40 you may still be eligible if you have comorbidities like diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol. If you end up being a self pay it probably won't matter on the BMI a few numbers below. That guideline is usually for the insurance companies.
Call a few offices and ask for paperwork. If you get jerked around by the personnel before hand then you will probably get jerked around after you get cut. When you go to the seminar talk to the Dr. and see how you like them. He/she is going to be your doctor for the rest of your life. I didn't care for the stuffy personality on one Dr. and found one that I clicked with right off the bat.
My profile is off line again for a little while because I gave some one a challenge and the answer is on there. I didn't want them to cheat. I'll put it back up in a day or two and you can get some info from there.
Walking is going to greatly reduce your chances of DVT after surgery. I suggest an hour of brisk walking at least three days a week. I didn't need to be filtered because of my walking routine.
As I was doing my research I discovered the book "Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies." It covers everything you'd ever need to know about the surgeries, insurance approval, selecting a surgeon and even has a great section with menus and recipes. I've learned more from this book than any other source.
Based on the information I read in the book I was able to create several items before I even started the process (which I'm just beginning). It tells you what you need to includue in your diet history report. I've also prepared a detailed list of all my health problems, the treatment, which doctor treated me (and his contact info) and whether or not that health problem is weight related.
I've also started a list of questions, doubts, worries... things that I want to talk to my PCP and surgeon about. By having it all in one place I won't forget when I'm at their office.
Just some things to do while you're waiting. (And what Kevin said - start walkling) :-)