Boston Market chicken?
Do any of you ever eat this? They keep advertising a special where if you get a "feast" you can get an additional whole chicken for 1.99..... seems like a good bargain but I am afraid that whatever they baste it in would soak through the skin and be in the meat and make me sick. Have any of you eaten it without problems?
I buy Meijer Rotisseried Chickens all the time, take the skin off, and put it in paper towels to absorb any oils or grease. I don't eat that much of it, and what's left I freeze.
So in a sense, I've eaten close to it, although Boston Market is better tasting!!!
I'd try one piece and see how you do-- some people can handle it while others cannot.
It's that darn WLS rule; TRIAL AND ERROR.
Let us know!