I have been wondering what you found out. Dr. Foote is sooo awesome, if anyone can do it, he can. I knew you would be in good hands with him, and you are now 1 step closer to having surgery. YEAH....I am sooo happy for you, and that you pursued another Dr. and didn't give up. MMPC moves right along, so be prepared to head back soon. They don't waste time, which is great for us sitting and waiting. Keep us posted and again...CONGRATULATIONS...on a yes answer.
Even with the higher gas prices, it will be worth it in the long run. OH...the pre-op sample pack. Let me know what you think of the stuff...I am on day 6 of it, and it is getting pretty
Big hugs

Hi Cheryl...YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Dr Foote is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!! I really do like him now because he was so good at explaining waht he could do and showed me the surgery he planned on doing and how it would be done one way or the other....YAHOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Eileen gave me some samples that she had at home and I will be trying them...but I forgot to ask her how to mix them up!!! LOL DUH!!!! Was just nervous I guess meeting her and seeing the Dr!!! I had an enjoyable lunch with Eileen and had some questions ansewred from her as well. I am so glad that I had all you wonderful people supporting me when I was told NO and made me look into another Dr!! I can't thankyou all enough!!!
Big Hugs
ps....One more week for you!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Prayers for you!!!