I'm doing the ins. runaround dance
Well Hurley sent Molina the papers on June 21st and I've been calling Hurley about every week. I called today and they said they have faxed Molina twice and they have'nt gotten anything back so I called Molina and asked them if they had received anything from Hurley they said no they have'nt. I called Hurley told them what Molina said now she's gonna fax them again.Has anyone else gotten the run around from there insurance co.? I know it's not Hurley.I geuss I should have been calling Molina right from the begining.Any advice as to what I should do to get them going on this? **Sunflower**
I have been waiting for a reply from Hurley on the next step since the 6th of June........The first week of July I called to be sure they recieved test results that my pcp sent them that they ordered to precede at their request......they said they never recieved them, so refaxed...........
About the 5th of July they told me that it would be 3-4 weeks before they would have a decision from my insurance...I called the other day as it has been nearly a month & was told they have not even submitted anything as of yet......Hmmmm..
I thought about it and called back reminded her you don't get preapproved for medicare, she said your right, so I waiting for the next step.......
In the mean time I have called MMPC back & ask if I could return to Dr. Kemmenter, & faxed them results they lacked on Thursday..... Will know more on Monday as Dr. Kemmenter is out of the office till then.....Aftfer he looks over the test results I should be getting a date for Se
Hurley would be so much closer for me than Gr Rapids Dr. Kemmenter & I had discuseed that in April.......
Maybe it just the over load of paperwork right now....
Thanks as of lately I have been writing down what they say on the phone and who I was talking to which is always a different person every time. It's no wonder nothing gets done I am gonna call Molina every day now and ask for the same person they will get sick of me and hurry up and get this done ( I hope) Thank you Janice **Sunflower**