Hernia Repair/TT w/ Schuhknecht
I'm not sure about the hernia repair because I didn't have one. He did my TT and subsequent scar revision and I am pleased with his handywork. I would ask Chuckie to get your stuff from cori or they will screw you over on the price. They wanted 80 bucks from one patient for file copies.
He'll tell you what he's going to do when you talk to him - he doesn't mince words.
Hi Rochelle, I am having the tt with Dr S on tuesday can't wait,and yes get records from cori asap they didn't give me any trouble with mine but they did with a friend of mine, we are still Cori Bariatric patients so I don't understand their problems, we signed no contract for further work with them, good luck Marcia
I had hernia repair and TT with Dr. S - as far as the mesh goes, it's on an individual basis. He told me I would probably need it, but then after surgery he said he was able to do a better job without it. I had a great experience with Dr. S - WAY BETTER then where i had my RNY at. I've never waited more then 20 minutes for Dr.S and the "other" place I had waited for 3 1/2 hours before!!!!!
He does great work, he's a great surgeon, and he's got a great bedside manner!!!
Best of wishes to you!