MMPC in Grand Rapids (Rant)
Yeah... here's the message:
Nathalie Adams
to Ann
Hide options Jul 30 (3 days ago)
From: Nathalie Adams Mailed-By:
Reply-To: Nathalie Adams
To: Ann Miller , Nathalie Adams
Date: Jul 30, 2006 9:13 PM
Subject: Nathalie Adams has sent you a message from
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Ann Miller,
Nathalie Adams has sent you a message from
Nathalie Adams's Message:
Hi Ann -
My appointment is at 11am. I have a meeting from 9:30 - 11, but I am going to try and end it at 10:30 so that I can be a little early.
I have no idea what I'll be wearing tomorrow. I'll look for you. I don't have a picture online. You just have a doctor's appointment, right? I'm there for the orientation. I am going to ask them to "fast track" me because I have an appointment with my PCP on Friday. I am going to tell Dr. Falk to get my file ready to GO! I need help NOW!
Thanks for the response!
Again, my doubts aren't with the surgeons or the procedure. I have one gripe with non-responsive receptionists. I don't know why you suggested I should rethink if this is for me.
When I got there, there were about 6 people in the reception area and a gaggle of people downstairs. How did you know who I was? (Just curious)
I want the LapBand because I don't want to lose 100 pounds in under a year. I am already bottom heavy, and I've seen what happens to the human body when it sheds too much weight too quickly. I don't want that for myself. I'm thrilled for your 400 pound friend, but I'm not in that situation. I want something that is the least-invasive and will provide me some control over the amount of weight I lose. I have done my research. I know my mind. I do not, however, suffer fools gladly.
Regardless, it's all water under the bridge. Thanks for your response and continued success with your weight loss.
Nathalie Adams's Email Address:
[email protected]
Sorry you had a bad experience at MMPC. In my book they are top noth. I had mysurgery in April 2005 and I really can't find one simple complaint. I had lap gastric bypass. I have lost 165 lbs and I feel great. I am swimming again, playing on a softball team and also been ice skating. I have never felt so good in my life. I think Dr. Foote is the best, but I know Dr. Kemmeter and Dr. Baker are also excellent.
MMPC really is a Center of Health Excellence. Lynn
I am of the opinion that if any center is going to be putting my life at risk on the table they need to show caring, compassion, attention to detail and apreciation for my well being every step of the way. if the surgeon doesn't care enough to make sure his staff treats me with those considerations, i would not trust my life to him. if you awake one morning with a complication, that office staff is who you are going to be trying to reach in order to get a hold of your surgeon. Those same people who left you feeling like you weren't apreciated and as if they were too overworked to treat you properly. if the office staff is overworked i don't think they should take it out on the patient, they should take it out on the doctor who is too freaking cheap to hire more staff, not the patient.