MMPC in Grand Rapids (Rant)
Nathalie, I saw you there on Monday. I was one of the two people that went into the room where the orientation was going to be but I was meeting with the nutritionist. I sent you a message asking if you wanted to meet and talk, you never replied so I thought you weren't interested. The girls at the front desk were very busy. I had heard that since MMPC made the rule that if you didn't show up for an appointment, there would be a $100 charge. Because of this, everybody is coming in and there's no time for the girls to breathe. Cut them a little slack. Unless you've worked a very busy reception desk with being asked this and that on both sides of you, trying to make appointments and getting the food ready for those coming through, then you don't know how bad it gets sometimes and when people get angry at you, it makes it worse. MMPC is a very good, caring organization of doctors.
If you wish to go to Mexico and get a lap band, be prepared to keep going back to Mexico for your follow-up visits and fills because no doctor in the area will touch you.
I'm sorry they didn't get the paperwork to you but when you make an appointment for something you should find out what time it starts and how long it lasts. It's not their fault you had to be at work at 1:00.
I first went for a lap band and after orientation, changed my mind to a roux en y. For me it was the best way to go. If you want the lap band, they will be happy to give you one. They will not force you to have something you don't want. I had Dr. Foote as my surgeon and I am very pleased. The bariatric unit at Blodgett was the best place, everyone was friendly and very helpful and concerned.
Maybe you aren't ready to do this yet and should do some more research into what you really want.
Thanks for the responses -
I manage a customer/technical service department for an international company here in GR, so like I said, I understand being busy. I remind my staff to show our customers empathy, professionalism and respect and to follow through (RAFT is our policy: Respond, Act & Follow Through) at all times. Therefore, I expect a high level of CS, especially when I'm investing thousands of dollars for a service. I don't think that is too much to ask.
I've definitely done my research. I know that the LapBand is what I want. So for the internist to disregard my request and start pushing a different type of surgery on me, it's a bit puzzling.
Julie, thanks for the advice. I'll lean on the staff a bit. Calling the office on Tuesday, I was able to get in to see the internist, and I have an appointment with Dr. Kemmeter and the mental evaluation on Tuesday the 8th. I'll be sending you positive thoughts next Wednesday! I'm sure you'll come through the surgery with flying colors! I'm interested in hearing about your DS experiences, for sure! How exciting to be one of the first in the office!
Ann, I replied to you via email - check your messages. I'm sorry that I didn't recognize you; you should have spoken if you saw me - I woud have loved to talk with you! And I agree - I should have asked for details on the phone. However, I called twice to ask for the information packet which would have told me start and ending times, what to expect, etc. To date I have not received this packet. One would think an initial call and a reminder would have been enough. Next time I'll ask, and double check just to make sure my bases are covered.
For me it's not a matter of "think of what you want" - I know what I want. It's my health, not a cattle call - that's my only point. I understand being busy. I'm busy too. I'll definitely share my feedback with the surgeons in hopes of them communicating the message. Lip service isn't enough. I'm beating a dead horse, I know - I'll drop it.
Thanks again for your responses. Good feedback and you've given me perspective!
on 8/2/06 9:47 am - ROYAL OAK, MI
on 8/2/06 9:47 am - ROYAL OAK, MI
Some of the responses here amaze me...ladies please....please don't make me break out the warm milk and cat chow!!!! Give the girl a break she said it was a rant and she has every right to do so. The rest of you kitties need to sit back and remember what it was like to be frustrated! Meow-out
watching my own tail from the rocking chair.

on 8/2/06 12:44 pm - ROYAL OAK, MI
on 8/2/06 12:44 pm - ROYAL OAK, MI
Hey USTA since you have not "really come out of the closet"
I figured I was safe in saying ladies!!! I stand corrected OK all you ladies and USTA our male mascot of secrecy
We love ya USTA!!!
Hey there USTA quit using KP's sign thats not fair!!!!
Mother of Bridezilla

You have every right to be angery at the office staff at MMPC. I was treated the same way when I had my surgery and complications. I think even thought the office is bussy they still need to treat there potential patients with respect and show kindness to there needs. Wishing you good luck on your journey. Tricia
Nathalie, I never got your email. I didn't come up to you because I didn't know it was you but when you mentioned the time you got there, then I knew. I didn't mean to be harsh but I and the others in my group have had nothing but good experiences there. There was a new girl that was being trained and that she just "wasn't getting it" so it made everybody on edge. I just don't get upset with stuff like that. When you speak to the surgeon and/or others, make sure you tell them about your experiences with the front desk people. Maybe they need to have them slow down a little. I don't know why the internist would be pushing the roux en y, she's (?) not the one that makes the final determination. You do that with your surgeon.
I do hope you can get your lap band but the whole process will take time so slow down and breathe. It won't be too long before it gets done. I know someone up here in Big Rapids that was well over 400 lbs and he had the lap band. He has lost about 80 pounds and his surgery was just about a month before me so I wonder too about roux en y being a quicker loss. Anyway, good luck and maybe I'll see you down there sometime again.
Nathalie, I didn't get the email again. I don't know what's happening. Try sending it to my other one at [email protected].