I have questions... PLEASE help!!
Hi Friends, I have a bunch of questions for you guys... Please HELP!!!
1. I love those little baby dill pickles. I am almost 7 weeks out, do you think I could eat a couple of those? I seem to tolerate every single thing I eat. I have heard some people say to take the skin off but I can't eat them like that. What do you think?
2. I was going to make some ham salad and I wanted to add some onions, does anyone else eat onions at this point?
3. I find after I eat I am EXTREMELY thirsty. I know there is a 30 minute rule about not drinking after you eat. What I have been doing is having a SF Popsicle until that 30 minutes passes. Is this a bad idea? I know they consider the Popsicles liquid so I am wondering if I am doing the same thing as drinking?
4. Is it OK to have croutons (a few) in a salad at this point? I know they say we can have crackers & toast in moderation of course, but what about a few croutons? Panera Bread has the BEST croutons in the world!!
Thanks in advance for all your help!!