OH Angel
Hi there everyone...
I am just wondering what an OH Angel does, and how you get/be one? I HOPE to be approaching surgery soon, so was just wondering if anyone out there could help me better understand what the purpose of one is. I see there are alot of people with them and alot without. Just wondering....
Hi Cheryl,
What an Angel is is someone that will volunteer to be "there" for the person having surgery. It is nice if you have one that is near where you are having surgery so that they can visit you in the hospital, but it is not a requirement or anything. An Angel can give their support thru email and/or phone calls. An Angel will keep the board posted on how you are doing once you have had surgery and so on. There isn't any real rules on who can be or how to be an angel, It is just something we do for one another if you desire that kind of support. All you have to do is post and say that you are looking for an angel and someone will answer the call. So if you are interested in getting an angel or being one just let it be known, and someone will answer the call. I want to wish you the best on your upcoming surgery, it is an awesome journey. God Bless and take care.----Toni