micro or lap should i change my mind?
As I am thinking about weight regain and the possibility of that, I am thinking that maybe I should have the micro pouch instead of laproscopic. They say the micro doesn't stretch as much and there is less chance of weight regain. My reason for not going with it is that I wanted smaller scars and faster recovery. What do you all think? Have any of you had the micro pouch with Dr. Wood??? What is the scar like?
Thanks for bearing with all my questions. I have a feeling there are more to come in the next few days lol. My mind is working overtime lol.
I can't really answer your question, but you should check with Cori and/or Dr. Wood, because when I spoke to him about the lap procedure, he said the pouch would still be small. I believe that even when he does the lap, he makes it smaller than traditionally. At least that's the impression I got. I'd check it out. (I wanted lap too, because of the scarring and the recovery, and less chance of hernias).
There's a big misconception out there that says there's a less chance of weight regain with micropouch. I don't any hard data that backs that up. The fact is you can out eat any of these kind of surgeries!!!!! You can do it the same way you eat an elephant... one bite at a time.
You should discuss what surgical option is best for you with Dr. Wood. I found that he was more then willing to give his suggestion on which procedure would be best. It'd be worth a call into the office.
You need to be comfortable with what you're about to do - it's not just a surgery, it's a change of LIFE - forever!!!!
Personally, I had micropouch done open with Dr. Wood and surgical he did an awesome job!!!! My scar was very thin and I was please with the recovery time that I had.
Best of wishes to you !!!!!!!!!!!
I just met with Dr Wood on Tuesday and when he asked me which surgery I was looking to have I told him I really wanted the micropouch because it was smaller but I really wished it wasnt open. He said that he can make the pouch very small with the lap procedure now. Around 10 cc. So that is what I am going to go with. I have heard the scar with the open micropuch is not that bad at all. Have you met with him yet?
i love my micropouch..........it works as well now as it did when i got it a year and one half ago.....it is my friend.....it reminds me if i have indulged too much.........and keeps me on track! my open scar is fine......a small price to pay for the relief i have of this ever present tool! good luck making a decision.....rae
I have the micro pouch and I LOVE IT!!! My scar is not bad AT ALL! They actually used glue on mine and not staples and for the most part my scar is as thin as a pencil line and I figure it will most likely go away with my tummy tuck later on anyways. I hope that helps about scarring