gained 14 lbs
Hello All! I don't post much anymore. I need someone to smack me around though. I had surgery almost 2 years ago (in Oct). I weighed 260 and got down to 158 and am now at 172. I didn't really even notice the first 5 lbs but after that I've been watching my weight go up and up. I suppose I was hoping it was just magically going to start going back down.
So I'm no****ching my protein, not exercising, not drinking enough water. It's pathetic. I hated my life before surgery. I was in a prison. When I lost all that weight it was like a brand new life. Not everyone gets a second chance. So I'm acting like it doesn't matter. I know this 14 lbs can turn into 20, 30, 50 and 100 and then some. That's how it happened last time - you gain one pound at a time.
I'm determined to start exercising and drinking my water and eating my protein instead of all the carbs. I was just hoping someone might help me stay accountable. I know in the end I have to be accountable to myself. I'm just a little scared. I don't deserve to have had this surgery by the way I'm acting. I feel terrible but I need that guilt to translate into action.
Heres hoping the next time I post it will be for a loss!
We all bounce back up a little bit so don't freak out. Now get back on track. You know what will make you gain so make sure you don't have access to it. I can throw rocks at you but like you said you have to be accountable.
Get rid of the junk. Even if others in your house can eat it get rid of it. They don't need it either.
Start your day off with a shake and a walk. Wake up early and do it.
You know to carry a bottle of water with you too so get on the program again and make it happen.
Walk, water and protein.
There. Consider your ass kicked.
I hope I wasn't too mean.
Hi Patty,
I haven't had my surgery yet, but I just wanted to offer you a bit of encouragement. You have done sooo well, and I know it couldn't have been easy. You need to give yourself credit for that! Okay, so you've slipped a bit. Stop beating yourself up over it, and try to get back on the right track. I know it won't be easy, even though I haven't had the surgery, I know all too well, the ups and downs of diets, ways of eating, etc. But I know you don't want to go back to where you were. You have accomplislhed so much! I wish you the strength and determination to do what you need to do. Good luck and post again!
KP is right. 100 percent. Not mean, truthful and honest.
I agree- get rid of the junk and take a shake and walk the first thing.
I get up at 5am and walk 15 minutes now before work --- it's weird walking in the early morning but fun..NO TRAFFIC!!!
Also, you are what you eat!!! So get in that protein, and remember:
I DID THIS TO BE HEALTHY AND LIVE LONGER..........that junk won't help you in any way!
good luck!

Hi Patty!
I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble....I've been the "resident whiner" on the board the past few months because of weight gain over the last 6 months as well. It is depressing and it does make you feel horrible. BUT, do not despair!!! I too got off the beaten track and it was such a slow and unassuming thing, that it just crept up on me! I recommitted to my pouch about 6 weeks ago and I have now lost 21 lbs!!! So I know it can be done! Don't give up! You can have that 14 lbs off before you know it! I went back to getting ALL 64 oz. of fluids in, all my protein, and I quick eating inbetween meals (unless it was something purely protein). The snacking is what got me....snacking on the wrong things. We still don't eat a ton at a time, but grazing was the downfall of me. So, get in the mindset and do it! If I can, anyone can!!! We did this before! Oh, and another soon as I recommitted and started losing again, I've been feeling on top of the world! It's amazing how a little positive action makes you feel so much better about yourself. If you'd like to talk, please feel free to email me personally!
Good luck! Theresa

Thanks Guys!! I really appreciate it! I got up this morning and walked for 20 minutes on the treadmill. It feels so good just to get back to doing that.
I think it is a great idea to get rid of the junk because if it's not here I can't eat it and it really isn't good for anyone else in the house.
I have been keeping my favorite beer, Oberon, in the fridge. As soon as it's gone I get another 6 pack. I was drinking one last night and I always put a slice of orange in it. I was complaining about my weight gain and my hubby said, why don't you quit buying that stuff and eat the orange instead. Ha! I was dumbfounded. Sometimes I need a little honesty.
Well I know today is going to be good. Thanks for the honesty and encouragement!
Sometimes we all need that little knock upside the head. My husband can come up with some good ones but the one that's going to get him killed is: "Are you sure you can have that? Well, you know what you can eat and not eat". What he's seeing is the whole chicken breast on the plate before I cut it and wrap the other 2 oz pieces up for other meals.
You have worked too hard to get down to your weight, just pull out some pictures of when you were at your heaviest and post them on the fridge, mirror, etc. This will remind you of where you could be and should help you to stick to the program.
I had my surgery 3 weeks before you and I am also aware of how easy it is to go back to pre surgery habits. I have gained about 8 pounds after my 18 month anniversary and know how easy it is to put the weight back on. I know I have to stay busy and drink the water. No matter how much you read about the warnings of being 2 years out and getting back into your old pre surgery habits, you still will fall back into the old habits of grazing, eating too many carbs and neglecting the pouch rules. I myself followed the rules until I was 5 pounds under goal tp allow for the dreaded weight bounce. Just so happen the bounce was higher than I wanted and now my clothes are getting tight on me. So back to basics for me also. I will be looking for your "good news" posting.
Hi Patty,
You must be my twin! I swear I have been going through the same thing. I had my surgery 1/14/06 and just recently I have put on 10lbs!!!!!! I can't seem to get a grip. I know what I'm supposed to do but I just can't seem to get it together. Even though I feel like I am living in absolute fear. I've had my TT & breast lift, you'd think that would be motivation for me to stick with it. I know my problem is that I'm enjoying my wine too much. And I am snacking in between. I need someone to literally smack some sense into me. I stopped buying junk but then I move on to something else I shouldn't be eating! My downfall is a night. I know exactly what you are feeling.
You're not alone - unfortunately.
It's good not to be alone. Sometimes I beat myself up so much thinking what a fool I am. The bad thing about that is that it usually leads me to feeling defeated and giving up. Of course I can't have that attitude this time. I know I'm not going to get a 3rd chance so I can't get back to my old habits.
I love my wine and my beer. I shouldn't be drinking at all for just so many reasons. I atleast need to learn to control myself or quit. Sometimes it is just so stinkin hard with me and alcohol. Last night I was looking at my beer. It was ice cold and full. I was thinking "Wow - that is a beautiful sight - I'm not sure I've seen anything so beautiful!". Gee Whiz.
So I have multiple issues.
Thanks again,