Why do I get soo sleepy after I eat?
I have this trouble sometimes if I wait to long to eat then I fill up and I get so tired. Other times it might be that I ate something that does not agree with me.
I really do not have a concrete answer on this one. I am with you though if I could figure it out I would. It always seems to happen to me when we are with family or out somewhere. I hate it.
Linda's getting there. You have no pyloric sphincter anymore so what you eat goes directly to your system. If you eat to fast you are overloading. Now it may not be to fast for a normal but you are a GAP and must eat at about a third of your normal speed. If you don't your insulin levels will spike and drop accordingly and you will get that tired feeling. Carbs do the same thing. Regulate your intake a little more and see if that helps and no drinking while eating.
Thanks everyone,
Yes, its like when I used to eat carbs and get sleepy, I betcha I eat too fast. It seems like I would know, but quite frankly its so new to me, and the rest of the family inhales their food, so while I try to go slower I'm pretty sure I just eat way to quickly. Tonight I ate 3 turkey meatballs and I was ready to go to bed right after. BTW I take 2 centrum chewables a day after meals so that should be good right?
Confused Kathryn
Yeah. Slow'r down and whe you think you are slow enough,,, waite 30 more seconds. You should take a chelated vitamin. You are getting some but the chelating - attaching a mineral to the viatmine - makes it easier for us to digest. I sound like a know it all. I am sorry but my blood levels are spot on every time.
Country life makes an adult chewable multi that is chelated.