Looking for support in Michigan
I'm in the Muskegon area and will be having surgery in 6 days or so (7/25) at Mercy Hospital with Dr. Gluck. I'm about to lose my marriage over issues revolving around various things but the surgery is effecting it. My husband has lost patience with myself and my emotions. I have clinical depression and had problems for most of our marriage. I'm having this surgery to help my physical and mental self to HELP first of all ME, but also the marriage if possible. I haven't worked since we married due to health problems and depression. I finally found a Good anti depressant for myself that's helping, seeing a counselor for myself, and of course the wls too so that I can work and give more to my marriage that I haven't been able to before. Things are very hard right now on the brink of a divorce and all right before my surgery that's coming up. I'm not asking for miracles but maybe to find someone close in my area to talk to, someone I can call if I need to, or maybe there are groups I don't know about close to my area? I'm a fairly strong person but have a lot on my plate right now. I kind of feel like I'm doing a last minute scramble to find people, but at least I am and not trying to deal with this alone. I have no family here, no friends really to speak of and could use whatever I can get to help pull through this and heal up so I can get back to life. Any information would be appreciated greatly. I know this is the right thing for ME to do regardless of what else happens in my life. I'm sure I'll be ok but reassurance and support would help me a lot right now. Thanks
Hi Angela!
I'm so happy to see you post to the MI Board! Dawn is a sweetie, so take her up on the offer! It's always better when you can share your thoughts with someone else. I'm sure she can fill you in on the support groups too. Those are important. I'm sorry things are still going badly for you, but at least you have your surgery to look forward to. One of the most important things I gained from my surgery???....CONFIDENCE AND SELF-RESPECT! You'll be surprised how much better you feel mentally once your body is feeling more healthy and slim! Best of luck to you on the 25th! Keep your eye on the ball...you can do this! Hugs, Theresa
Dear Angela,
First, welcome. To a most wonderful place filled with Wonderful people who are truly amazing!!!
Second, keep a positive attitude about everything and just take one step at a time.
Figure out what your priorities are, and list them on paper and then do what you need to do to accomplish them!
Third, we have all been through many things in our lives, marriage is one I cannot offer any advice on because I'm single -- still--- for now! However, I am a great listener so I welcome you to email me any time to chat!
And last but not least, check the support page on the main forum board, often there are support groups in Grand Rapids or perhaps the Holland area as there is a small office Barix Clinics there though I don't think they do surgeries in Holland for WLS.
You got support, we're here for you. And I'm open to being a new friend to you so let me hear what's on your heart any time!
huge HUG and warm WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stacey W
Welcome to the board Angela and I wish you well on your up coming surgery with Dr Gluck. I know how hard it is to make new friends in a new area. I just moved to Traverse city from the Grand Rapids area leaving my close friends and family too. I feel for you and understand because I also have been battling with depression for the last two years due to complications from my Surgery and loosing everything. I would love to correspond with you anytime and I know that Dr Gluck office has support group meetings plus another office called MMPC has a support group in Holland and Muskegon areas. I know after my surgery I changed alot by by gaing more self respect for myself and for others. So feel free to email me anytime you need to chat and I am glad that you posted on the board becasue it is a wonderful group of people who offer support and encouragement to anyone regarding the situation. Tricia