Antibiotics after WLS...

Theresa W.
on 7/16/06 11:37 pm - Northern Lower, MI
I have a sinus infection, and the Dr. gave me Bactrim pills for it, although she first gave me a shot of penecillin and also a shot of steroids to get this thing moving out quickly. I started feeling better almost imediately, which I was thankful for. I have been taking the pills religiously since, but doesn't seem to be going away as quickly as it should. My question we not absorb enough of the penecillin in our digestive track to work properly in our bodies? Or I'm wondering if because this is in pill form rather than capsule or a shot, it may not be breaking down as quickly and getting absorbed? Mmmm....any thoughts?? Theresa
on 7/16/06 11:46 pm - Burton, MI
Ok well, I personally think thought that NOTHING would help me and my infamous sinus infection, since no matter what perscription I have taken has never helped, or has helped, but only for about 30-60 minutes at the most. Then my girlfriend to me to try Zicam, and so I did, and let me tell you I will never use anythign else again. Within 2 minutes I could breathe and stayed that way for about 12 hours! I bought mine at walmart for $7.99 and Rite-Aid has it for $10.99 I bought the green box that works for 12 hours. It not only cleraed me up but it has BLOWN ME AWAY that an over the counter med has worked, let alone this great! ( I was spending up to $40 per script from the doc on stuff that didnt help a 1/32 of what this has) I hope you can get some relief too, I truely feel your pain when it comes to sinuses. ~Sandy
Theresa W.
on 7/17/06 12:14 am - Northern Lower, MI
First of all, your pic of you and the baby is so cute!!!! Secondly, yeah, my sinuses have always been horrible, but with this heat and humidity, they are running rampent! I don't have a stuffy nose at all. I can breathe fine through my nose. Everything is just "stuck" in my sinus know, browbones, cheekbones, with lots of pressure. Makes my ears ache. I can't blow anything out of my nose. So is this Zicam something that will get deep into the sinuses and get them to move??? Let me know. I'm ready to try anything! Thanks, Theresa
on 7/17/06 12:43 am - Burton, MI
Yes, Theresa, it works on everything sinus! I have even used it when I had the horrible pressure, it helped, it even helps when they are draining. I swear this is a miracle drug! Worth a $10 try! ~Sandy
Eileen Briesch
on 7/17/06 3:43 am - Evansville, IN
That's interesting because I've been dealing with this sinus crud for two and a half months. ... the only thing that has given me any relief whatsoever was the steroids (orally) ... I've been on two doses of antibiotics with no help. I'm going to see an ENT Friday ... maybe I'll try the Zicam too. I'll try anything at this point. I'm sick of having constant headaches. Eileen
on 7/17/06 3:54 am - Waterford, MI
I'd be interested too, though, about what you asked Theresa. Are the antibiotics being absorbed properly? Hmmmm.....?????? Anyone???? And if you have an actual infection I would think you still the antibiotics. I don't think the Zicam would address that.
on 7/17/06 3:59 am - Frankenmuth, MI
I've only had antibiotics a couple of times since WLS; and I've asked the Doctor both times to give me the liquid form. I don't know if that's necessary, but figure it will work better for me. Hope you're feeling better real quick! Dora
Theresa W.
on 7/17/06 5:25 am - Northern Lower, MI
I know Dora, I wished I would have thought of that before I bought them! Oh well...I'll finish them up and buy the Zicam...hopefully it works! Thanks everyone! THeresa
on 7/17/06 7:26 am - Port Huron, MI
I think Zicam is basically just Zinc, so if you truly have an infection Zicam will not clear it up. That said, I have had success with Zicam fending off colds when taken at the very beginning, though it irritates my nostril/nasal passages.
on 7/18/06 6:30 am - Owosso, MI
Theresa, Howdy to you. I used to be plaged by severe sinus infections till about 9 years ago when I had a severe allergic reaction to some mold horse blankets. I was in the hospital for a couple of days and Dr. put me on Flonase which is a nasal spray. I have gone from being treated every couple of months for a sinus infection to maybe one a year now. It has been a God send for me. I am not sure about how the antibiotics are absorbed as we are all different. The Bactrim is not a penicillin it is a sulfa and another drug combination. It is hard on the digestive tract. I can't take it as had an allergic reaction to it. I don't know about the Zicam but the Flonase is by prescription only and I know that it works very well for me. Heres to a speedy recovery. Brenda
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