TMI.... But to understand, I am just finishing that time of month. I NEVER bloat. In the last 3 days, I've put on 6 lbs.... ALL water. I can feel it. My legs and feet are puffy and I don't understand why. I've had 86oz of water today, 70ish yesterday.... I'm always drinking 64+ a day. WHY am I retaining water. I HATE seeing the scale go up and up like there's not stopping it.
What can I do?
In the Zoo
I JUST went through this...... seemed like anything I did made it worse... Only things I found that helped where:
1. UP UP UP you water intake.....
2. CUT out all the sodium you can..
3. Up you potassium. I ate a banana a day and it seemed to be the ONE thing that helped...
4. When it got so annoying I couldn't take it anymore I called my PCP for a mild diuretic witch I took for like 3 days, but I still can't say that even that helped....
Hope this helps somewhat
Hi Erin - that is exactly how I feel! Do you remember the girl who ate the purple gum ball on Willy Wonka and blew up and up and up??? That's how I feel... like it'll never stop.
I'm at approx 90oz a day......... how much "up" did you do? I don't salt extra, but now I'll watch what my actual sodium intake is. The banana is a great idea... esp since I bought some otc water pills today. AND if those don't work, I'm going to do what you did, call my pcp and get a script.
Thanks for your help!
In the Zoo