surgery and secret pal
As many of you know I have had SEVERAL knee surgeries over the past few years after a car accident. Today I had surgery again and doing ok so far. Got home this evening and slept for a few hours, now wide wake and feeling good on pain meds. LOL
Part two of this surgery will be at a later date when they let the cells grow.
Also just curious wh my secret pal was last round? I haven't hear from them since the slumber party theme thing and don't know who to thank. Are we supposed to send them a gift after as well once we find out who it is?? Just kind of confused on this whole reveal thing.
Is it too late to get in secreat pal for this next round?
Ok thats all. You fine ppl have a great weekend and I will be back on again this weekend since I am just sitting relaxing.
-Lauri B